Monday, September 30, 2019

How valid is the view that, “in the period 1796-1870 the most serious barrier to political change in Italy was widespread apathy among the people?

In 1871 Italy became a unified nation, however in the period of 1796-1870 there were many barriers, which prevented the political change in Italy. The widespread apathy of the people certainly did effect the unification of Italy, however there were other barriers such as the foreign influences of Austria, the un-organisation of the revolts and the fact that at the beginning the Risorgimento was more for the elitist class. So it is not valid to say that apathy was the most serious barrier as there were other factors that together made it difficult for Italy to become united. One factor that was particularly influential was the power Austria has over Italy. Austria was a major power at this time with a large empire. During this period there were a number of revolutions across Europe. Austria and Russia were both conservative monarchists that were determined to suppress any nationalistic movements as possible as they were worried about the spread of revolutions affecting their own countries. Austria spread its influence in Italy by installing members of the Austrian imperial family, the Hasbburgs, to rule in many Italian states. This was used for a more pro-Austrian attitude and a less patriotic nationalistic attitude to their own country; Italy of 1815 was basically under control of the Austrians. Metternich said at the time; â€Å"Italy is only a geographical expression.† It is clear that Austria were a major influence and helped to prevent Italy from developing it's own identity thus preventing unification- which was Austria's main aim. It is true to say that Austria exerting it's power over Italy does show the apathy of the people as they didn't seem to do very much about it, or appear to concerned for some time. Less than 3% of Italians spoke Italian, and as communication wasn't very good it was hard for Italy to feel like one unified country as they were so separated. People's sense of pride was what was missing in Italy. People were very attached to their own particular region and in a sense were not affected by what happened in other areas of Italy, especially the north-south divide. It could be argued that this un-communication between different areas of Italy proves that apathy among the people did prevent unification, as the Italians were obviously not prepared for it. However if the government gave the public a reason to be proud and patriotic, and given them a sense of unity they probably would have reacted and been more unified. In fact not all Italians did have this apathetic attitude towards unification. There were attempts of revolutions in 1820 and 1831, but the force of the Austrians easily crushed these attempts. The Carbonari (1820s) were a secret society attempting change but didn't work as there were too few of them. There are also examples in radical democrats such as Garibaldi and Mazzini that played a big part in the unification process as they really believed in it and managed to spread the message more too the masses. This was another barrier to political change that there was little support for the attempts at revolution. This was to do with the fact that the Italian people has been led to believe that democracy was a thing to be feared, and unification may make Italy worse. Also during the beginning the Risorgimento was more of an elitist phenomenon, where only people of education and urban centres could get to hear about it. There was also a lack of co-ordination and confusion between the different ideologies that proved to make revolutions difficult. The Italian public were also unsure of what type of Italy would result after a revolution has taken place. There was particularism between some Italians and their own states as they may have felt they were better off not unified as it may change things in a way they didn't like. Before the Crimean war (1854-56) there seemed to be little chance of Italian unification as the country was so divided and controlled so greatly by Austria. The Crimean war changed a lot of things in Europe. The war was the resultant reason for the two major powers of Austria and Russia to break their alliance. Russia was humiliated in the war and was un-supported by Austria. Russia felt like it had been denied to be seen as the major power that it was. Russia therefore was un-supportive of Austria and changed it's policy, having been before quite conservative, to an attitude favourable of change. With the weakened force of Austria and its plight to prevent democratic states, people like Garibaldi creating a new found patriotic atmosphere among Italians, by 1871 Italy was unified. Overall it is valid to say that the apathy of the Italian people was a barrier to political change. In some ways the apathy of the people was not just because they weren't bothered but because the majority did not receive information about the Risorgimento till quite late. However it is more the foreign opposition of Austria that was more of a powerful prevention to change that affected the unification process more than the apathy of the people. It was partly due to the â€Å"domino effect† the Austrian influence had that did help to encourage the apathy of the people, as Austrians were so desperate to reduce nationalism they managed to help prevent Italians from feeling a belonging to a country.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Egyptian and Roman Empire Essay

Though there have been many greatly noted civilizations of the ancient world one might see those of the Egyptian and of the Roman Empire as two of the greatest. There were many contributing factors to the success of these two societies as well as there downfalls. One reason the Egyptians was a successful in the ancient world was due to their environment. The main reason for the strength of the early Egyptian society was the Nile. The Nile kept a majority of Egypt’s riverbanks full of lush greenery and plentiful natural resources. The Nile provided fresh water, free transportation, endless agricultural possibilities, as well as trade aspects. In ancient times all people depended on the river for their existence. Egypt flourished for 3,000 years because of the people’s ability to harness the power of the great Nile. The importance of the great river is reflected in ancient Egyptians daily life. It shows through in their art, religion, writing, as well as social lives. The river helped shape their society as well as their existence. Religion also greatly affected the Egyptian society greatly. Their religion was one based upon the central idea of polytheism. Where they believed in a series of many gods and goddesses. Even the Egyptian kings or â€Å"Pharos† as they were called, were even referred to gods on earth. Society and their religion were based mainly upon keeping the gods happy and content. Often times offering them sacrifices and other gifts to keep the Egyptian people free of torment and disaster. Everything in life depended on the gods. From fertility, to the rising of the sun and moon, crops, as well as the great Nile. The gods could be fair or vengeful, or so was the theory of the Egyptians. Thus why they tried to keep them eternally happy. Another powerful if not the strongest civilization of ancient times was the Roman Empire. Much like the Egyptians Rome also focused on location as an ideal place for starting a civilization. Rome was a city protected by hills. It had many great routes in out and out of the city mainly used for trade. Since Rome had such a good defensive standpoint a citizen could feel safe living there. ROMs location also added up to a large amount of cultural diffusion being the center of ancient life during its time. The Roman Empire also used every one of its available resources very well. From natural resources to manmade, they used everything. From The great roman military building roads, for travel and trade, which was a large part of roman life. Romans were also very smart, using great techniques in art, architecture, and labor forms. Ancient Rome was the only place to have running water, sewers, roads, as well as an outstanding military. But they also had a people’s republic, which gave the citizen an actual voice in society. Rome also took advantage of war. With every war came more slave labor, be to used in any way shape or form that they desired. Thus making Rome the most civilized as well as the least civilized of its time.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

New Australian National Nurses Registration Research Paper

New Australian National Nurses Registration - Research Paper Example This new registration system has been enacted through relevant education in each State. This new law oversees the administrative aspects of several health professional groups into one national entity. There are many good reasons to make the change and yet there are also many issues that need to be resolved. Nursing in Australia has been mostly a two tiered structure in which there are level one nurses who have a bachelor degree and level two nurses who have extended their education to receive certificate or diploma. Nurses have been the driving force of the healthcare system in Australia. The system is changing with the needs that have been created with the shortage of nurses and the ageing of the present nursing population. This paper will discuss that change. In 1984, the Commonwealth government made a decision to transfer nursing education to tertiary education with level one nurses prepared at the diploma level. In 1992, it became necessary to have a bachelor's degree (Kenny & Duckett, 2004). The Project 2000 report resulted in the change of second level RN training everywhere but Australia. Australia chose not to do this based on the fact that Australia has stronger unions and different strategies for their professional nurses, such as viewing the second level RN as an associate to the RN. This nurse is called the Enrolled Nurse. These EN's are meant to practice under the direction of the level one nurse or RN (professional nurse). They report to the level one nurse but are still responsible for their own practice (Kenny 2004). Core competencies for the EN have been difficult to monitor as they have been different according to where one works. In some states they have been able to administer medicines and in some states not. The new law which took place July 1, 2010 creates the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for health care practitioners, including nurses and midwives. This new law will create many changes in the way that healthcare is delivered in Australia, in particular, in the rural areas (Forsythe, 2009). It also creates standardization in licensing and in competency levels. It assures the understanding of the RN level of nursing which is University level, the EN which is diploma level and the NP or nurse practitioner level. III. Bodyiii.i Scope of Practice There are three essential criteria that are noted for defining scope of practice. Those are education, competency, and authorization to practice. These guidelines are published under the ANMB-codes and guidelines in Australia. These guidelines give the nurse and organized process in determining whether something that needs to be done is within her scope of practice. Failure to understand these guidelines can lead the new RN to

Friday, September 27, 2019

A critical analysis of software testing tools and techniques Essay

A critical analysis of software testing tools and techniques - Essay Example It is so important that half of the development of any software must be dedicated to it, as a rule of thumb. Some people believe that software testing must be done at the end of software development, as a final stage. However, it is important to note that testing must be done at all stages of development. It must be integrated into it and must be a continual process throughout. For example, once requirements have been gathered, design must be created and implemented. Once each module is developed, it should be tested immediately for any bugs or defects. Or if prototypes are to be delivered to the customer, after each delivery, the software must be tested. Software testing should not be left to end; after all the modules of a project have been developed. How and when testing is carried out also depends on customer requirements and desired results, the Project Manger’s way of working, and the Project Lifecycle model. Software testing is still considered to be an art because there is still limited understanding of it. The reason for this complexity of software testing is that there are so many testing principles, techniques and tools available that can be used to carry out this critical activity. One must know which ones are most suitable in accordance with the software being developed. Software testing tools include source, embedded, functional, performance, java, link and HTML, API, requirements management, security and many other test tools (Applied Testing and Technology, 2009). Software testing techniques vary as the software travels through its stages of development lifecycle. However, software testing techniques can be roughly divided into unit testing, integration testing, system testing and user acceptance testing (Luo, 2009). The general goal of all these testing tools and techniques is to produce a high quality software that meets customer requirements, by developing it in controlled circumstances (Luo, 2009). As a

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Define and give examples of downwards, upwards and horizontal Essay

Define and give examples of downwards, upwards and horizontal organizational communication. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different forms of c - Essay Example Downward communication is the most studied form of communication in the business organization. As Downward communication is the most widespread form in organizations as those at the top have the facilities and status for instigating communication. They also have a greater require doing so and are definitely less inhibited about taking such action. at times written messages are issued by top executives to all levels of the organization. though this presents the kind of deformation that takes place when oral messages are sent down the line, employees are conditioned to believe that communications must come through their immediate supervisors. while they don't, employees quickly instigate to lose respect for the supervisors (Jeanette W. Gilsdorf; 1998). If you choose to communicate directly, there is the problem assuring that you do not alienate the layers between yourself and the person you are communicating with. You must also be careful of what you say so as not to countermand or cause confusion from what more immediate supervisors have said (Ferrell, March 10, 1998). Several writers, like Marshall McLuhan in The Medium Is the Massage, have explained how media influence the receiver's perceptions of the message. Douglas Brush asserts, "A ten-minute videotape of a chief executive officer announcing a new corporate policy imparts hundreds of times more information than an audiotape of that same message, which contains hundreds of times more information than a printed text of the message." (Brush, pp. 10-11). Downward communication moves from superior to subordinate, whether from the chairman to all employees of the company or from one superior to one subordinate. It is the main form of communication in corporations. More media carry more messages down the management chart than take them upward or horizontally combined. That is not to say that formal communications in the business organization are typically downward or even vertical. Most are horizontal. However most formal ones are downward, as one writer notes: "It is obvious that the bulk of communication in most organizations is downward--directing, instructing, explaining, and the like. The passing on of orders, policies, and plans is the backbone of managerial communication." (Jose R. Goris, Bobby C. Vaught, John D. Pettit Jr, 2000) Katz and Kahn list five purposes of downward communication: 1. Specific task directive: job instructions. 2. Information designed to produce understanding of the task and its relations to other organizational tasks: job rationale. 3. Information about organizational procedures and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Contemporary Developments in Business and Management Assignment

Contemporary Developments in Business and Management - Assignment Example The elements of the general environment are the political systems, economic systems of societies, socio-cultural elements, technological systems of societies, ecological systems, and legal systems. The task environment is the segment of the external environment with which an organization interfaces on a regular basis and is of immediate interest to the organization. It is within the organization's control. The elements of the task environment are the customers and clients, competitors, suppliers, labor supply, government agencies, etc. Guinness is in the beer brewing industry founded in 1759, with breweries (by way of license arrangements) in almost 50 countries and exports to around 150 countries. Next, the beer industry's policies and decisions are analyzed with regards to political influences. This is followed by using Robert Miles's dimensions of corporate social responsiveness to determine the effectiveness of the industry's response. Lastly, recommendations for improvement in t he response of the industry are made. Alcohol is a dependence-producing drug that causes detrimental societal and physical effects. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), it leads to diseases, early mortality, accidents, and violent crimes. Due to these social influences, the beer industry operates within a tight legal environment. Legislation exists in various nations to curb the advertising and excessive consumption of alcohol. Examples include control on drunk driving, operation hours of pubs, advertising, distribution, and even import controls, such as in Sweden. Another external influence to which the beer industry is subjected is the economy. Beer as a luxury product  depends on the economy to stimulate demand. With the economic development of the developing nations, the demand for higher quality beverages, and hence beer is set to grow. Ecologically, beer brewing contributes to global warming by emitting carbon dioxide. The use and disposal of bottles and packagi ng also contribute to environmental pollution. Hence, beer brewing is a cause of concern for many environmentalists. Technological influence is not as great as political influence in the beer industry. No doubt, the proper application of technologies such as the brewing facilities and the bottling and packaging technology could help to cut costs and increase efficiencies. However, technologies may be imitated by competitors and any competitive advantages will soon disappear.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The three world of bali Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The three world of bali - Movie Review Example These midnight-to-dawn performances can be viewed from either side of the screen and also from behind the puppeteer. The ancient literary texts, collected in the old Javanese language of Kawi and Sanskrit (The Balinese Digital Library), are captured on Lontar leaves. These leaves come from Lontar trees that belong to the family of palm trees. The Lontar manuscripts are placed in boxes or bags for proper protection. The older women dancing in Gambuh dance and other performances are seen to be dancing closer to the ancestral shrines in temples. They do so as to honor their ancestors in this endless cycle of rebirth. For Balinese, the idea of time differs from ours. Flowers are seen to have a short time cycle, a rock to be have a much longer cycle while humans are somewhere in between. For them, there is never an end, but a continuous cycle. Balinese Hindus call their religion "Agama Tirtha" because water plays a very important role in their life. Water, represented by a circle in the Hindu tradition, symbolizes completeness and the un-manifest. The Balinese carefully plan out and stagger the use of Balis water supply. Water temple rituals promote a peaceful relationship between people and their environment. When changing the system, many problems were faced with problems such as of water, mice and other pests. Eka Dasa Rudra, in Bali, is held every one-hundred years. In 1963, upon the urging of then President Sukarno, Balinese priests organized to hold the ritual before the exact date it was supposed to be held on. Preparations were met with the first eruption in recorded history of Balis great volcano. This terrible disaster was seen as a confirmation of the gods and demons powers and the necessity of honoring the traditional calendar. The central temple was miraculously spared when the volcano erupted. The Balinese people saw this as a grand

Monday, September 23, 2019

Module - Human Resource Mgt in Aviation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Module - Human Resource Mgt in Aviation - Essay Example But this approach ignores other factors that influence the behaviour of workers such as design and organization of work and employee relations. The second approach attaches great importance to the factors, actions and decisions affecting the organization-employee relationship and tries to satisfy all the stakeholders (management, shareholders, society, etc.). To achieve this it is necessary to develop the following basic policies: human resource flow, reward systems that satisfy all employees, influence the employees to take responsibility and efficient working systems. In WBSM approach it is necessary to take into account both the increasing complexity of the environment and the need to define the role of the Human Resources department due to the fact that the line managers get involved in the actual actions of the HRM department. Ultimately, the new trend is to link the personnel policies with the political objectives of the company, and to deal with the impact of strategic decisions in the administration of human resources and not simply to deal with operational problems. At the same time, the executives motivate and encourage so as everybody will dedicate themselves to the company and its objectives. A feature of the new trend is also the shift of the negotiation of union workers from the national level at the enterprise level and indeed the trend is, each worker to be treated separately in terms of working conditions and not en masse, as was common until recently. THE IMPORTANCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES FUNCTION It was reported earlier that the environment in which businesses operate is highly competitive and a business in order to survive must respond to new data. (globalization, new technologies, continuous effort to innovate, the collapse of economic borders, etc.). For businesses today, human resources can play a key role and create a sustainable competitive advantage for the them, provided the new strategy of Human Resource Management is based on the flexibility of working conditions, namely: the ability of workers to take up and carry out a wide range of responsibilities (operational flexibility) the possibility of different contract types (numerical flexibility), flexibility in working hours, and remuneration based on individual performance and skills of each employee (flexible payment). Naturally, the Human Resources Management follows a specific strategy having certain goals. The primary goal is to improve productivity through the solution of personnel problems, cooperation with executives and participation of them. In parallel, an effort to improve the quality of the workplace takes place, HRM ensures the firm complies with all conditions of the requirements of the legislative framework, and special importance is given to the efficient use of employees in order to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. The aim therefore is to provide flexible personnel that can and will have

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Speech on Friendship Essay Example for Free

Speech on Friendship Essay If you think about it, though, we should embrace going back to school. When the day comes that there’s no school to go back to, we’ll miss it more than we think. There is no other time in our lives where we’ll experience anything like what we’re experiencing now. Never again will your biggest worries in life be about that science homework you didn’t finish, or why â€Å"Amirul† is ignoring you, or the horrible possibility of getting a pimple every Monday . Never again will you be a part of a community where an age difference of a year matters so much, and the moving up a grade, from junior to senior, seems so significant. I have some advice . Whether you stepped in , in this school this morning as an incoming freshman , or as a five years student or as a returning to school after 2 weeks of absence , remember this starting today , i always remember the words in a cartoon movie Chicken little , that is â€Å"every day is new day ! †, everyone has those first day butterflies. Who isn’t worried about grades, teachers, drama, or even getting to school on time? The best way to start a new school day right is to be prepared. Here are some tips to help you to make today and everyday as your best one yet . Wake up early, set your goals , meet new people , get involved , get organized and the most important is to have a positive attitude . Dear friends , Our secondary school years are the defining times in our lives that shape who we are, where we are going, and what we are going to do. Aside from this, they allow us to build strong friendships with people. We get to see which people are going to be there for the rest of our lives and those who will just disappear over the years. A friend is someone who is there for you, through it all. Through the pressure, boys, and drama, they are the one constant thing in your life that never fades away. I have realized at age eighteen that friends are not something you should take lightly, if we have found even just a couple of friends we are blessed. They are the people that we sing our lungs out in the car singing â€Å"Set fire to the rain†, the people we cry to, and the most importantly the people who will always have a shoulder to lean on. It is important to evaluate your relationships with your friends. You can see if they are the people you can go to with anything or if they are just another face in the crowd when you have a serious issue going on. Secondary school is the defining time in our life to find ourselves and break loose from our shells Lastly , Nowhere else but in school is there such a community. For despite the separation between grades, despite the clear distinction that comes with being juniors, and seniors, high schools have such a sense of school unity. While to us the grades we’re in make a difference, in the big picture every student at your school belongs to the same institution, is unified under the same name, is roused up by the same mascot at football games and collaborates to beat other schools in sports and academics. Secondary school is a wonderfully unique experience that many don’t appreciate until it’s too late. So instead of dreading the return to school in holidays at the end of the year, get excited about it. Like all of our parents and teachers like to tell us, you only go to high school once. In conclusion , Sure, there’s been sadness, mistakes, and let downs, but you can’t forget the good times, and you can’t ignore the photographs you took. Secondary school is an experience. I believe we should all make the most of it. May Smk Skudai will be the greatest memory of all .

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Compare and contrast Essay Example for Free

Compare and contrast Essay The goals equality and quality in education should be of the same importance because education plays a vital role in the socio-economic development of the individual person. While education provides opportunities, it is the quality of education that guarantees the individual’s fitness to these opportunities. Randall Curren, citing the work of Gary Orfield, point out that, â€Å"in the early years of disintegration, it might have been easier to believe that educational opportunity and success translated directly into occupational opportunity† (p. 272). The goal of equality in education insures that everyone have equal opportunity to avail quality education, regardless of race, color, and ethnic origin. The goal of quality in education insures that everyone gets the best learning outcomes that will provide better economic opportunities. Thus, while equality and quality have different goals, yet they have the same importance in education as both is geared towards the improvement of the person. The goals of equality and quality The word equality is easy to understand but the implication of its meaning encompassed not only the social and the economic status but all the spheres where inequality is serving. The goals of equality are may be too costly given the fact that society is plagued with various ills such as greed, hungry for power, consumerism and materialism, selfishness, and so forth. Stein Ringen cited two interpretations of the goals of equality, the weak and the strong interpretation. In these interpretations, the goals of equality are not just guaranteeing â€Å"minimum standards for all members of society in different socio-economic† factors but equality in the entire structure of inequality. In other words, equality has to do with human fairness in relation to social and economic matters. Quality on the other hand deals with the totality of characteristics of the finished product. Sunny Baker and G. Michael Campbell stated, â€Å"Quality is how well the product satisfies the needs of the customer† (p. 68). Thus, the goal of quality is customer satisfaction. Compare and contrast; define; provide one example each. Equality and quality are both important ingredients that are shaping human society. Both were important in its respective domain as key determinant of its kind. A product is determined by its quality while equality determines a fair and humane society. In contrast with quality however, equality talks about people in relation to opportunities around them, Quality on the other hand, talks about products in relation to human standard. Defining equality is an on-going debate in view of acute problems of en-equalities dominating every spheres of human society. However, a general definition of equality states that equality is characterized as the elimination of formal legal barriers of exclusion based on certain immutable characteristics such as race and gender† (Douglas, D. M. 1998 p. 3). Quality on the other hand, is defined as â€Å"features that are decisive as to product performance and as to product satisfaction. Examples of en-equality and quality One example of equality is the gender equality. It has been for quite a long time that feminism had struggled before finally women in many parts of the globe gained recognition of equal gender treatment. Gender equality had finally gained recognition. Another example is the equality in opportunity. Although this may not apply in some countries, yet it is now enshrined in the constitutions of the democratic countries to provide equal opportunities to their constituents. And example of quality on the other hand, is a certain product that is free from defect and has passed the prescribed standard. Sources Reeves, D. (2005) Planning for Diversity New York: Routlege (p. 8). Brown, M. (1996) Keeping Score USA: AMACOM DIV American Magmt (p. 83) Reference Curren, Randall Philosophy of Education UK: Blackwell Publishing Devins, N. Douglas, (1998) D. M. Redfining Equality USA: Oxford University Press Horowitz, I. (1984) Winners and Losers USA: Duke University Press Ringen, S. (2006) The possibility of Politics USA: Transaction Publisher

Friday, September 20, 2019

Case Studies: Corporate Social Responsibility across world

Case Studies: Corporate Social Responsibility across world Introduction Over the past decade, Malaysia has witnessed tremendous economic and social changes. Hence, the business world is becoming more complex and demanding. Corporate social responsibility has emerged as one of the major issues in the modern-day businesses. However, developing countries are slower in reacting to this issue as the studies in this area are still scarce. Even though there is some increase in research and studies in corporate social responsibility (Abu-Baker Naser, 2000; Belal, 2001; Imam, 2000; Tsang, 1998), the results of these studies are not satisfying due to the scarcity of studies in the developing countries. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is becoming more important for national and international businesses. Large corporations discovered and recognized the benefits of providing CSR programs in various locations, these multinational companies are serving as global providers. Now, CSR activities are being performed around the world. Customers nowadays believe that modern businesses have the obligations to serve them better or in a more responsible manner instead of just focusing on maximizing profits for its organizations stakeholders or shareholders. However, only large firms apply this concept compared to those small or middle-sized enterprises due to the power which large firms have. We also refer CSR as corporate or business responsibility, corporate or business citizenship or community relations. The environment that business organizations operate in is filled with dynamism, complexity and uncertainty. Thus, managers must take into consideration the interests of stakeholders and public in performing their respective duties. According to Wartick and Cochran (1985), the concept corporate social responsibility (CSR) has a philosophical orientation. Jones (1996) described CSR as an ideology which has been enhanced and advanced during the past 50 years with the business and research. CSR refers to corporate performance that is normatively correct with respect to all constituents of the firm (Epstein, 1987). How do we clarified the actions that certain firms took are related to corporate social responsibility? According to Carroll (1991), social expectations can be translated into four different stages of corporate social responsibility, viz: economic, legal, ethical and philanthropy. The first stage is economic responsibility. This stage is where the public and society expect corporate organizations to generate profit and at the same time producing goods and services that meet the customers needs. A firms prime social responsibility must be economic involving the production of goods and services at a reasonable profit. Second stage is legal responsibility. Businesses are expected to run within the legal boundaries in order to achieve their goals. However, not all ethical behaviour are codified, businesses should act in the manner that serve the society while meeting economic objectives. Hence, this is categorized as ethical responsibility. Last but not least, the philanthropy responsibi lity. A corporate organization should actively involve in programs promoting human welfare and goodwill. One common difference between philanthropy and ethical responsibilities is that the former are not expected in moral sense. Community expect firms to contribute their resources to social activities. However, they do not hold those firms unethical if they do not practice these social activities. Hence, philanthropy is more to voluntary part of business in conducting social activities. According to Palazzi (2006), there are an increasing number of companies in Western Europe, Japan and North America discovered that by fully integrate the self-interest and needs of customers, employees, communities and their beloved planet, they can make good business. Therefore, corporate social responsibility includes 6 elements where management of each organization should implement in order to enhance growth and profitability. CSR is about how to manage these 6 responsibilities: customers, employees, business partners, environment, communities and investors (Palazzi et al., 2006). Providing goods and services in a fair price so that the customers will get to enjoy the added value of the products provided by the firm and at the same time the firm will earn profits. By adopting CSR, a firms image is strong and well recognised; it provides good welfare for its employees. Business partners such as suppliers, suppliers will only build long term relationship with firms that are well-re spected and trusted. Firm must never conduct any operations that will harm the environment such as toxic dispersion; it will only bring damage to the environment and also the society. Health, stability and prosperity of the communities are the success factors of any businesses nowadays; businesses must involve themselves in social activities such as charity or donations. Practicing CSR in daily operations no doubt maximize profit in long-run which will benefit the investors. In contrast of co-founder of Hewlett Packard Company in 1939, Dave Packard, he thinks many people assume, wrongly, that a company exists simply to make money. While this is an important result of a companys existence, we have to go deeper and find the real reasons for our being. As we investigate this, we inevitably come to the conclusion that a group of people get together and exist as an institution that we call a company so that they are able to accomplish something collectively that they could not accomplish separately they make a contribution to society, a phrase which sounds trite but is fundamental. No doubt that people assume the purpose of a company is to generate profit, primary objective of a company is to continue its existence or to survive, followed by maintaining growth and development and then make a profit. Company is a structure of people where these people wish to achieve objectives that could not be achieved by the efforts of individuals on their own. CSR involves the responsibilities corporations have to the societies within which they are based and operate. CSR is about the organizations and businesses taking actions beyond their boundaries which will impact the environment and society even though doing so incur higher cost. Several concepts that are closely related to CSR: social and environmental auditing, stakeholder theory, business ethics, environmental sustainability, strategic philanthropy and corporate governance. Definition The issues of corporate social responsibility has been debated and argued since 1950s, latest analyses by Secchi (2007) and Lee (2008) reported that the definition has been changing in meaning and practice. In both corporate and academic world there is uncertainty as how to defined. According to Jackson and Hawker (2001), we have looked for a definition and basically there isnt one. However, this is not quite accurate because the truth is there is an abundance of definitions, which are, according to Van Marrewijk (2003), often biased toward specific interests and thus prevent the development and implementation of the concept. Five dimensions of CSR were identified through a content analysis of the definitions; these five dimensions are environmental dimension, social dimension, economic dimension, stakeholder dimension and voluntaries dimension. Jones (1980) defined CSR as the notion that corporations have an obligation to constituent groups in society other than stockholders and beyond that prescribed by law or union contract, indicating that a stake may go beyond mere ownership. Corporate social responsibility is defined as a principle stating that corporations should be accountable for the effects of any of their actions on their community and environment by Frederick (1992). CSR is defined as the degree of moral obligation that may be ascribed to corporations beyond simple obedience to the laws of the state by Kilcullen and Kooistra (1999). According to Foran (2001), CSR can be defined as the set of practices and behaviours that firms adopt towards their labour force, towards the environment in which their operations are embedded, towards authority and towards civil society. CSR is also defined as the integration of social and environmental concerns in business operations, including dealings with stakeholders (Lea, 2002) . According to Andersen (2003), he defined corporate social responsibility broadly to be about extending the immediate interest from oneself to include ones fellow citizens and the society one is living in and is a part of today, acting with respect for the future generation and nature. There are many available definitions of CSR and they are consistently linking to the five dimensions. From 1980s to 20th century, definitions of CSR must include the 5 dimensions, it is not a must to include all 5 but it is best to do so. Importance of CSR CSR has become increasingly important, now it is considered as a business strategy. Consumers prefer to purchase products or services from companies which they trust; suppliers want to form business partnerships with companies they can rely on; employees wish to work for companies they respect and being respected in return; and NGOs want to cooperate with companies seeking feasible solutions and innovations in areas of common interests. According to Carly Fiorina, Chairman and CEO of Hewlett Packard Company, winning companies of this century will be those who prove their actions that they can earn profit and increase social value at the same time. Shareowners, customers, partners and employees are going to vote with their feet in order to reward those companies that fuel social change through business. This has become the new reality of business, one that everyone should embrace and adopt. Arguments and debates about the importance of CSR, the main topic is why CSR became more import ant? Many factors and influences have led to increasing attention being devoted to the role of companies and CSR. These include: Sustainable development Paul Hawken has defined sustainability as an economic state where the demands placed upon the environment by people and commerce can be met without reducing the capacity of the environment to provide for future generations. Leave the world a little better than you found it, take no more than you need, try not to harm life or the environment, make amends if you do. According to Hohnen (2007), United Nations studies showed that humankind is using natural resources at an excessive rate, a rate where the used resources failed to be replaced in time. If this scenario continues, future generations will not have the resources they need for their development. According to Maurice Strong, Chairman of the Earth Council (1992), he said as we enter the next century, industry will be the most important engine for change in the drive for sustainable solutions to the worlds environmental problems. These issues alerted the world and required immediate actions. Organizations must play their parts in aiding the environmental problems. Corporate social responsibility is one of the solutions and organizations are advised to practice and implement social responsibility in their daily operations. Globalization Globalization is a complex process because it involves rapid social change that is occurring simultaneously across a number of dimensions in the world economy, in politics, in communications, in the physical environment and in culture and each other these transformations interact with the others (Tomlinson, 1999). Growing concerns on human resource management, environmental protection, health and safety due to the economic globalization, CSR can play a vital role in locating the impacts and effects that a business might have on labour, society and economy. CSR also provide certain steps that can assist the business to build and maintain the public welfare. Governance According to Hohnen (2007), governments and intergovernmental bodies such as the UN, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) have developed several guidelines and declarations which companies can follow and apply in their future business conduct. Example, government in Penang restricted food sellers from using polystyrene for food packing every Monday. Finance Consumers and investors are more interested in supporting responsible business practices; they are seeking more information on how organizations going to react accordingly after defining risks and opportunities which related to social issues. What actions can the organization take so that it will best serve the society and meet the economic objectives? In the CSR context, a sound CSR approach can help build share and market value for an organization, lower the cost of capital and improve the responsiveness to markets (Hohnen, 2007) Protect the environment Some of the worlds largest companies have showed their commitment to CSR by showing initiatives at reducing their environmental footprint. These companies believe that financial and environmental performance can work together to drive company growth and social reputation. We green the earth slogan made by some multinational companies in Malaysia who own large golf courses within residential area is one of the CSR initiatives seems to protect the environment. According to Hohnen (2007), a CSR approach can improve corporate governance, transparency, accountability and ethical standards. Environment stewardship helps build and retain a companys value. In addition, undergraduates and postgraduates will expose to the importance of taking care of the environment through studying corporate social responsibility. Potential Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility Being socially responsible is increasingly important for modern organizations. This is due to the public becoming more demanding towards firms in terms of being socially responsible. Einer Elhauge, a professor of law at the Harvard Law School, as part of his contribution on the Environmental Protection and the Social Responsibility of Firms, quoted that Corporate managers have the operational discretion to sacrifice corporate profits in the interest of the public. Lower Operating Cost Companies must view this as an opportunity and see the benefit it can obtain from giving back to the communities and employees (McKee, 2005). Lower operating cost may be the most immediate and dependable benefit for a corporation committed to high ethical standards and social responsibility (Ashforth, 1989). On environmental issues, a company who is striving to minimize its emission of greenhouse gasses will be looking at ways of minimizing fuel consumption. Initial investment in more energy efficient vehicles and appliances may incurred very high cost, it will eventually lead to cost saving. If a company is using less energy, then its energy bills will be lower. If a company is minimizing water usage, then its water bills will be lower. The same is true for maximizing the use of recycled materials. Recycled materials are much lower priced compared to raw materials. Employees: Recruitment, Retention and Productivity According to Ivy (2005), the other benefits of adopting corporate social responsibility practices include attracting the most talented and loyal workers. Their employees are more committed to their work because they are proud to be part of that organization. Employees value a corporation that is able to improve the life of the community. A Socially Responsible Corporation considers a workers dignity and offers good health care and retirement plan. Therefore, these employees are not keen to take lifts when opportunity is at hand. Bloemer (1992) found out that the corporation benefits from a stable workforce and reduced training costs. Evidence for this view are clearly stated in the Kelly survey in Crains Detroit Business report found that corporations that behave in socially and environmentally responsible manners attract the top talent and ninety percent of those interviewed would prefer to work for organizations are ethically and socially responsible. Brand Image and Customer Loyalty McKee (2005) suggested that the most significant business benefit of corporate social responsibility is the positive effect it can have on brand image and customer loyalty. If a company is known to be responsible and ethical, and if it markets itself as such, then it will be well positioned in a competitive market. Consumers, weary of the tales of ruthless corporations doing everything in their power to maximize profits, are becoming more and more interested in supporting companies who are socially responsible. Many firms which have such practices include Body Shop that uses all natural, non chemical substances to make their products. They emphasis on no animal testing and many customers are proud to be using their products that support the humanity values that the company share. Differentiated Products According to Klein and Dawar (2004), differentiated product is one of the benefits that enable an organization in order to remain competitive in todays marketplace. Through product differentiation, organizations aim at achieving a competitive advantage by increasing the perceived value of their products relative to the perceived value of the products of their competitors. Particularly, for organizations that implement socially responsible policies, product differentiation can satisfy the unmet needs of consumers offering both financial and business benefits to the firm. Firms that offer environmentally friendly products experience higher sales growth than firms that sell conventional products (Ramasamy Ting, 2004). Besides, firms that offer unique value propositions to consumers differentiate their products in consumers minds and contribute to building customer loyalty based solely on ethical values. Therefore, in the context of corporate social responsibility, organizations develop new products aiming, not only to become more competitive, but also to make a greater impact on society through their ethical practices. A CSR Europe MORI study in 2000 showed that 70 percent of European consumers say that a companys commitment to corporate social responsibility is important when buying a product and one in five would be willing to pay more for products that are socially and environmentally responsible. On the other hand, one in six shoppers frequently boycott or buy products because of the manufacturers reputation. Improved Risk Management Improved and proper management is one of the benefits gained when a corporation embarked in corporate social activities. Modern organizations implement risk management strategies to decrease or even eliminate the risk posed on the organization by a variety of practices associated to several potential threats (Porter Kramer, 2002). Organizations that have made countless efforts over the years to build a good reputation and have spent a lot of money to maintain it through product development and customer loyalty strategies. However it could be ruined is seconds (Tencati, Perrini, Pogutz, 2004). Such incidents include scandals, environmental accidents, foreign labour transgressions and internal corruptions draw the attention of the media and may cause irreversible damage to a firms reputation. The only way to anticipate such events are to embed social responsibility into organizational culture that contributes to a stable reputation for a form and in order to offset such risks. This c ould save cost and time in repairing and building firms reputation using the usual ways. Access to capital Financial institutions such as banks and private loan companies are increasingly incorporating social and environmental criteria into their assessment of projects. When making decisions about where to place their money, investors are looking for indicators of effective CSR management. Maignan, Tomas and Hult (1999) argued that a business plan incorporating a good CSR approach is often seen as a must for good management. When a company engage in corporate social activities shows that they care about their planet and it give a good impression towards to the investors. Hence both private and public investors are more willing to invest in such ventures because it will gain support from many parties and corporate social responsibility based companies tend to last longer. Arguments underpinning CSR Today many persons are discussing the social responsibilities of business; there are various reasons both for and against businesss assumption of social responsibilities. People in the business world argue and debate about social responsibility, some supporting this concept and some do not see it that way. Arguments for corporate social responsibility Long-run self interest Long-run self interest is one of the arguments which favour corporate social responsibility, this ideology makes the society expects the businesses to accomplish and conduct various social goods and actions. According to Davis (2001), a business must conduct social practices if it expects to achieve objectives and earn profits in long-run. The firm that responds fastest to the needs of the society hence will have a better community in for the firm to run its business. Recruiting employees will be easier, the employees hired are better in quality. Besides that, absenteeism and turnover will decrease. As the social of one society improved, crime rate will definitely go down and money can be saved up as the properties are well protected. The dispute can lead to several directions, for example a better society provides a better environment for business. It is hard to believe that incurring higher cost for social activities will result in higher profit for the business. However, it is the normal outcome that business can perform better when it runs in a better environment. Recent surveys confirm that the correlation between social and financial performance is their positive or neutral (Margolis Walsh, 2003). Public Image A firms main objective is to attain and retain more customers, desirable employees and various benefits through enhancing its public image. According to Davis (2001), it is easy to extend this public-image concept through the accomplishment of a variety of social goods. Public holds social goals as top priority, firms which has intention of achieving a benevolent public image must reinforce and prioritize these social goals. CSR has become a vital tool in promoting and improving the public image of some worlds largest corporations (Christian, 2004). Let Business Try Many institutions tried and failed in handling social issues, why not give business a chance to do so. Many comments were made due to the failures of other institutions, people are turning to business. Comments like the following: Give business a try. Maybe they can come up with some new ideas. Let business have a role. They couldnt do any worse! These comments were made out of frustration and desperation instead of reasoning; many people are expecting that business institution will fail in handling the social issues. The truth is that there is no evidence showing that we perform badly in handling and solving the social problems using businesss capabilities (Davis, 2001). Business Has the Resources Business is believed to have valuable resources which can be used in handling social problems; hence society should put the resources into good use. Sadly, many people wrongly assumed that business has all the money where the society need to do is to tap the till of business and the social problems will just fades away. In most cases, there is a reasoned assumption that business has a pool of management talent, functional expertise and capital resources (Davis et al., 2001). With this pool, business definitely has the requirements to solve social problems in the society. In addition, business is well known for its innovative ability. In some social problems, innovation is needed badly for application. Problems can be Profits While the creativity of business can contribute to social problems, it can also be an advantage at times when apply conventional business theories to these social problems. Although this idea cannot be applied to all of the social problems, it is encouraged that business should involve in social areas more effectively. According to Davis (2001), many problems can be solved and settled profitably according to traditional business concepts. Prevention is better than Curing It is argued that business should resolve social problems once encountered. This supports the idea of saving resources and the managements time and also preventing the social problem from developing into a disastrous situation to the business. Furthermore, the progress of producing goods and services can be affected when business is busy dealing with serious social problems that have yet to be resolved. Argument against Social responsibility Profit Maximization The most prevailing argument against business assumption of social responsibility is the classical that it challenges the traditional mindset of the companies is to focus on profit maximization (Friedman, 1971). According to the industrys point of view, the companys desire is to think in the best interest of the shareholder and satisfy them by maximizing profit and find all means to increase profit. One common practice in most industries to maximize profit is to minimize cost. Friedman (1971) mentioned that in a free enterprising firm system, employees responsibility is do what their superiors command them to do as long they do what their are told, they would survive in the economy provided their actions are abiding to the laws and ethical customs of the society. The employees desire is accord with the shareholders interest that is to maximize profit. However imposing a new concept of corporate social responsibility, the company dilutes the aim of profit maximization and makes the sh areholders unhappy. This is due to the managers spending their money on something that has no direct impact on their cash flow. Besides that, Friedman argued that the concept of corporate social responsibility may overthrow the old doctrine of the economy to maximize profit. Cost of Social Involvement Friedman (1962) found out that imposing the culture of corporate social responsibility in a firm takes away a lot of the firms financial resources though the outcome may not be as rewarding as predicted. The company must make wise decision to allocate their resources in the right causes for it is scarce. Most companies commit small resource to corporate social activities due to social pressure and obligation. However, the public tend to forget the firms effort towards corporate social activities after a period of time. Therefore it is very tiring for a company to keep renewing their commitment towards social acts since the customers cannot remember the organizations contribution towards society even it was just last month ago. When the business is pushed into social obligations, many additional costs will drive out marginal firms in all the industries (Friedman et al., 1971). In the chemical industry, many chemical firms shut down because they are unable to meet the requirement of pu rchasing the new pollution equipment that is highly priced. Lack of Social Skills Traditional companies do not have the skills to handle the social matters regarding the publics concern towards the companys effort in corporate social goals. As mentioned Friedman (1971), it is insane for a firm to give social related duty to technicians or accountants. They are unfit for the job because they are not trained to work in such way. The firm may need to hire sophisticated people which are public relation officers to create an image for the company and handle all the social matters. This may require the organization to create a new department just to achieve these goals. Problems may arise since the firm needs to incur new costs to the company. Dilution of Businesss Primary Purpose Friedman (1962) suggested that a firms involvement in social goals might hinder businesss emphasis on economic productivity, divert the interest if its leaders, and weaken business in the market places, with the result of the firm achieving poorly in both economic and social aspects. The effect of social goals in corporations is confusing the societys perception in the economic role of the business. If a company is inadequate to achieve its social goals, the society would suffer socially and economically (Friedman et al., 1962). Weakened International Balance of Payment Argument against business assumption social responsibility requires the international balance of payments thought it is frequently ignored. In normal practices, social programs are counted in business costs. In order to recover these costs, the business would usually add the cost into the price of the product. If social activities dilute businesss capacity for high productivity, then this lower efficiency is likely to lead to higher product cost (Friedman et al., 1962). A company would lose its competitive advantage in the international market if they comply with the social obligation. In the international market especially regarding raw material, the price is an essential criterion to consider. When a product is priced higher than its competitor due to social obligation, the clients will choose cheaper choices and outcome is the company loses out a lot of customers. Lack of Accountability From economic point of view, entrepreneurs have no accountability towards the public. Friedman quoted that Accountability always go with responsibility. A firm which embarks into social activities must be responsible towards the people. Until the firm is ready to be establish a proper line of social accountability from business to public, the business is preferable just focus on maximizing profit and not engage in any social activities. Lack of Broad Support One final point is that social involvement may lack a broad range of support from all groups of the society. Although many people support the idea of corporate social responsibility, many parties opposes it (Henderson Hazel, 2001). Unlike China, there are a lot of countries that does not give full support to firms that has social goals. The lack of agreements is among the general public, in government, even among the businessmen themselves. Many reasons are mentioned in the above statements. Such hostile oppositions will create disastrous effects on the company if it fails its social mission. Case Summary Burgerville USA is a family owned fast-food restaurant, founded by George Propstra in Vancouver, Washington 1922. Burgerville applies this mentality made fresh from local ingredients, this concept still stand strong up till today. Burgerville had never used frozen patties, used only the freshest ingredients. Besides that, onions rings sold in Burgerville are made from onions grown in nearby Walla Walla. Burgerville has expanded up to 39 locations in the northwest United States, currently run by Propstras son in law, Tom Mears. The key element in the companys strategy remains unchanged which is the fresh, local concept. Company is using fresh, local products in order to offer higher quality food. This strategy moves Burgerville out from the fast-food industry into fast-casual dining sector, a niche in the restaurant industry. Mears decided that the company will not play the chea

Thursday, September 19, 2019

rosemarys baby :: essays research papers

Rosemary’s Baby and the Manson Family Murders   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1969 Roman Polanski had finally become a success. After a youth devastated by the Holocaust, the loss of his parents, and a mugging that left him on the brink of death, the Polish-born director had moved to Hollywood. He was about to have his first child with his movie-star wife, Sharon Tate; and he had just released the blockbuster film Rosemary’s Baby.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The event that made Roman Polanski famous was a tragedy that shocked the nation. On August 9, 1969, followers of Charles Manson murdered Polanski’s wife and her eight-month-old unborn child along with four close family friends.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rosemary’s Baby, which recently celebrated its thirtieth anniversary, stars Mia Farrow, John Cassavetes, and Ruth Gorden, who, won an Oscar for her role as the eccentric elderly neighborhood. Charles Grodin made his screen debut as the young obstetrician Dr. Hill. The movie follows Rosemary, a wealthy newlywed, whose life slowly unravels as she discovers she is the focus of a vicious cult of Devil-worshippers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although Rosemary’s Baby was released a year before the Manson Family murders occurred, the two events are incredibly similar. Both the movie and the murders happen in the world of show business—Sharon Tate was an actress, Rosemary’s husband is an actor. Both revolve around a beautiful young pregnant woman. Both feature the Devil (the Devil impregnates Rosemary; the Devil was one of Charles Manson’s aliases). Both involve a powerful cult that murders with apparent impunity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the reasons the Manson Family murders shocked the world was the Family’s ability to perform atrocities with no reservations. The acted without hesitation, doubt, or remorse. In Rosemary’s Baby, young Rosemary (Mia Farrow) is at the opposite end of the spectrum, conspicuously unable to act. Rosemary is consumed with so much paralyzing self-doubt and hesitation the viewer is reminded of Hamlet. Unlike Hamlet, Rosemary’s doubt is not sympathetic or noble—or, for that matter, interesting. For the first half an hour Rosemary seems weak. For the second half an hour she appears spineless. Eventually Rosemary’s inaction in the face of overwhelming evidence becomes so acute that she actually stops being a believable character: no one could be this much of a moron.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Here are a few examples. Early in the movie, Rosemary’s husband rapes her while she is passed out drunk. She wakes with scratch marks on her back and no recollection of the previous night’s events.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Kurdish Geopolitics Past and Present :: history

Analysis of Kurdish Geopolitics Past and Present Who are the Kurds? Most of us have heard about them but don’t know who they are. Are they a race, a religion, a country? As we see from the following example, even Europeans who are much closer to the Kurds still do not have a complete understanding of the Kurds or the middle east in general: In the West, the left and liberal minded people in general, especially in the Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon countries, have usually supported or at least expressed some sympathy with the struggles against both European colonialism and U.S. policies in Vietnam. But as soon as the problem shifted to Biafra, Southern Sudan, Kurdistan or Eritrea - in short, whenever the national question was raised within a third world country - this section of the public opinion has tended to remain silent and confuesed.1 This lack of knowledge about the Kurds and Middle East in general is a major wall between resolution of the many problems that exist in the Middle East. I would like to give you a better understanding of what it is to be Kurdish by describing to you the past and present condition of Kurdistan, the state or territory that the Kurdish people populate. A brief understanding of the history of the Kurdish people is all that is needed to successfully accretion just why we should be more involved and educated about the current political activities surrounding Kurdistan and the countries that infringe upon it. The Kurdish people have the unfortunate distinction of being the only community of over 15 million in population that has not achieved some form of national statehood.2 This is the problem that needs addressing, people without a country. There Kurds territory, would be country, consists of the mountainous regions of central and northern Zargos, the eastern one-third of the Taurus and Pontus, and the northern half of the Amanus ranges (see F1).4 The Kurdish are an ancient people who about 4,000 thousand years ago started to trickle into Kurdistan in limited numbers to settle there.3 By the classical era in 300 b.c. the Kurds were already experiencing massive population movements that resulted in settlement and domination of many surrounding regions.5 Although they did at times rule over the land outside the mountains, for the most part, the Kurds home ended where the mountains ended. The Kurds as a distinct people have only survived in the mountains.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Case Study

Organisational behaviour investigates the impact that individuals, groups and structure have on behaviour within organisations for the purpose of applying, such knowledge towards improving organisations effectiveness. (Robbins et. All, 2004, p. 9) Individuals shape organisations. Individual’s values, attitudes, perceptions and motivations shape what each individual brings into an organisation, therefore shaping an organisation. Chua Sock Koong is a Singaporean, University graduate, who is tech-savvy and personable. Sock-Koong is a prime example of how values help shape an organisation. Singapore is a fast moving modernizing city.Chua is a product of that. Chua has leadership, communication roles and has adapted to her role. Chinese bus drivers for Singaporean Mass Transit are there purely for the money and how much money they can send back to China for their families. When the Chinese drivers communicate with other workers, in the same industry, they get an insight into what c onditions and wage the others are experiencing. With this perception they see others much better off than them, this is when they rebel. They know that in China they protest and strike so with the feeling of being poor treated, they rebel in Singapore, which is not custom in Singapore.The migrant bus drivers do not have the same values, customs and believes that Chua Sock Koong has. Comparing Chua and the migrant bus drivers in regard to the joy and sorrows of work are complete opposites. When in a leadership role, like Chua, it is easy to find joy and satisfaction within work. Money is a big factor in finding joy within work and how and why people engage in work. Chinese migrant workers work purely for the money and for money to send back to their families, where as Chua is a university graduate with values, beliefs and personality. University graduates usually go to university to get a better job and earn better money.Being a CEO is a highly paid career. People’s values, be liefs and personality are a major factor in how people engage in work. Values shape who people are and how they act. How people engage in work are shaped by what personal values they have installed in their personality. How people behave why they do at work is directly linked to money, personality, values, and beliefs. Electronic communications such as texts, emails, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are a major part of today’s society. The best of friends communicate through these channels of communication.With these means of communication the way people communicate at work has changed dramatically. Before these means of communication were in place people would actually have to talk face-to-face or over telephone. Now days emails, text messages, twitter messages and Facebook posts are the norm now in regards to how people communicate at work. These differences in values, beliefs and personality are what make Organisational behaviour so interesting. What shapes the way people i nteract, communicate, why they come to work, how they are when they are at work are directly shaped by values, beliefs and personality.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Native American Religions Essay

Native American Religions happen to be one of the oldest and most enduring forms of religion. They comprise a large number of distinct tribes, states, and ethnic groups. Native Americans arrived on the North American Continent fifth-teen thousand to twenty thousand years ago. Native Americans have literally sources that exist from only the last four hundred years even though Native American life covers perhaps twenty thousand years. Over three hundred tribes have been recognized by the United States government. Native Americans are the only known ethnic group in the United States requiring a federal permit to practice their religion. In the state of Virginia, Native Americans face a unique problem. Virginia has no federally recognized tribes. Native American Religions have also been known as American Indians, Amerindians, Amerinds, Aboriginal, Indians, Indigenous, Original Americans, Red Indians, or Red Men. Native Americans religions are polytheistic. Native American Religions are remarkably free of priesthood. Native Americans are very personal in that they encourage Page 2 individuals to contact the spirit world alone. Native Americans believe that many levels of Gods and Spirits exist in the universe. They think of the High God or Great Spirits as a personal God. They believe in the Supreme Being in a manner found in many basic religions. Native religions have some of the qualities of monotheism, polytheism, and monism. Native American has been exposed to Christian eschatology for more than four hundred years. The influence of Christianity has been so strong that today most Native Americans are Christians. They are interested in the day-to-day life among the multiple spirits found in the world. Native Americans have a reverent attitude toward the land, trees, rivers, and mountains. Native Americans who practiced agriculture revere the soil, plants, and tree. Hunting was an important part of life within many Native American Cultures. The hunter would pray to the spirit of the animal before the hunt. Hunting was a religious pursuit in which the hunters saw the animal as a fellow creature, with a similar spirit. After all hunting’s one would ask the animal for forgiveness. They would basically perform a taboo. A religious action that enables people to avoid doing things that would offend the spirits of nature and the ancestors. This was one of the ways the Native American would protect themselves from possible danger from the spirit world. Another widely observed taboo is the avoidance of the dead. Taboo concerning about Page 3 the dead led Native Americans to be greatly concerned about their final resting places. There is no heaven for those who have been righteous and no hell for those who have been wicked. Native Americans often seek to control the forces of spirit world with ceremonies. The purpose of their ceremonies, rituals, songs, and dances is not necessarily worship. They are a mean of renewing the partnership between humans and the spirit world. Long hours of dancing in this atmosphere prepare the participants for contact with the spirit world. Holy week is also celebrated a song and dance. Native Americans often gain special powers by seeking visions that may place them in connection with the spirit world. Visions are sought by Native Americans at other times in life. The spirit may appear after a period of fasting and prayer, or sometimes without any preparation. The Sweat Lodge is probably the most important Native Ritual. The sweat lodge usually occurs before and after every other major ritual like the â€Å"Sundance† and â€Å"Vision Quest†. It is also a â€Å"stand alone† ritual meaning that it occurs whenever it is needed. Its original purpose was to cleanse or purify individuals. Mother sweat lodge essentially translates in to returning to the womb. The Sun Dance last from four to eight days starting at the sunset of the final day of preparation and ending at sunset. It showed continuity between life and death – regeneration. It shows that there is no true end to life, but a cycle of symbolic and true deaths and rebirths. All of nature is intertwined and dependent on one another. This gives an equal ground to everything on the Earth. The sun dance was a significant part of the Crow Indian people’s Page 4 spirituality. It was a spiritual retreat in which a large number of participants would fast, pray and dance for a period of days. They asked for answers to events going on in their lives. Traditional Native Americans seem to believe in two souls, neither of which is considered immortal. One soul is the life, or the breath, that accompanies the body. The other soul is known as the free soul. One of the most common elements of Native American Religions is the use of tobacco and the sacred pipe in religious ceremonies. Tobacco was originally grown and used only for religious purposes by Native Americans. The tobacco used in religious ceremonies is stronger than the tobacco used in cigarettes. The ritual tobacco is occasionally smoked in rolled from corn husks. Most Native American tribes had traditional gender roles. Men hunted, traded and made war, while women gathered plants, cared for the young and the elderly. Women ever had the task of making weapons and tools, they took care of the roofs of their homes and often helped their men hunt buffalos. Many Native American people believed in the unusual power of a woman at these times in life. During a women menstruation she was kept away from ordinary society. Native Americans today have a special relationship with the United States of America. In conclusion, Native Americans can be found as nations, tribes, or bands of Native Americans who have sovereignty or independence from the government of the United Statesry society. Like other religions, Native American belief systems include many sacred Page 5 narratives. Such spiritual stories are deeply based in Nature and are rich with the symbolism of seasons, weather, plants, earth, water, sky and fire. The idea of an all powerful Great Spirit, a connection to the Earth, diverse creation narratives and collective memories of ancient ancestors are common. Traditional worship practices are often a part of tribal gatherings with dance, rhythm, songs and trance.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Internet Addiction Essay

The Internet provides a constant, ever-changing source of information and entertainment, and can be accessed from most smart phones as well as tablets, laptops, and computers. Email, blogs, social networks, and message boards allow for both public and anonymous communication about any topic. But how much is too much Internet usage? The Internet is the largest and most versatile source of information in the world today. With its web sites and chat rooms, it is a way of communicating with people in places all over the world. Since its conception in 1973, the Internet has grown at an astounding rate. A survey conducted by Intelli Quest Information Group Inc. showed that 51 million adults age 16 or older, were on-line as of the second quarter 1997 in the United States alone. To many people the Internet is so enjoyable that it is almost addictive. The problem is that researchers are now beginning to consider Internet Addiction. Studies are revealing that there may be an actual form of add iction involved with over-use of the Internet. Identifying which category of addiction the Internet falls into is the problem. There are no real answers yet because research in this area is at the beginning stages. While lost in this so called ‘Cyber Community’ for long periods of time, people are neglecting other important activities like; time with the family, socializing, work and health concern. Background of the Problem The use of the Internet on school campuses and in society has increased dramatically in recent years. Whereas the academic use of the Internet is primarily intended for learning and research, the Internet is primarily intended for learning and research. However, from time to time, cases of over involvement with the Internet have been observed on different campuses. The internet is not a habit. It’s an indelible feature of modern life. Many people turn to the Internet in order to manage unpleasant feelings such as stress, loneliness, depression, and anxiety. When you have a bad day and are looking for a way to escape your problems or to quickly relieve stress or self-soothe, the Internet can be an easily accessible outlet. Losing yourself online can temporarily make feelings such as loneliness, stress, anxiety, depression, and boredom evaporate into thin air. As much comfort as the Internet can provide, though, it’s important to remember that there are healthier ways to keep difficult feelings in check. These may include exercising, meditating, using sensory relaxation strategies, and practicing simple breathing exercises. For many people, an important aspect of overcoming Internet and computer addiction is to find alternate ways to handle these difficult feelings. Even when your Internet use is back to healthy levels, the painful and unpleasant feelings that may have prompted you to engage in unhealthy Internet use in the past will remain. So, it’s worth spending some time thinking about the different ways you intend to deal with stressful situations and the daily irritations that would normally have you logging on. Nature and Extent of the Problem When used responsibly, the Internet can be a great place to interact socially, meet new people, and even start romantic relationships. However, online relationships can often be more intense than those in real life. Our fantasies are given free reign and the idea of being with our online love can exceed all realistic expectations. Since few real-life relationships can compete with these wild, fantasy relationships, the Internet addict will prefer to spend more and more time with their online friends. Another problem is that about 50% of people online lie about their age, weight, job, marital status, or gender. When online friends meet and the real-life person fails to match the online persona, it can create profound emotional disappointment. People who are most susceptible to Internet addiction are teenagers, people who already have anxiety attacks or issues with anxiety, those who have undergone recent trauma that has made them home-bound and less active, people with prior addiction s and those with a lack of support from their peers or family. People coping with depression are the biggest candidates to find solace in excessive computer and Internet use. Solution The first step to overcoming Internet addiction is to admit that you have a problem. If your friends and family have approached you about your amount of time on the Internet, examine yourself to see if their concerns are legitimate. Don’t make excuses or blame others. Instead, seek to make positive changes in the way you spend your time. Keep a log of the actual time you spend online. Use a timer if it helps to keep track. Move your computer into its own room. If your computer remains in the bedroom, you will be more tempted to avoid sleep for computer time. If your computer is in the family room, it is more likely to steal time away from your family. Consider placing your computer in an uncomfortable room with poor lighting. While this won’t be good for productivity, it may make you less motivated to spend endless hours on the Internet. Decide how much time you will allow yourself to surf the Internet. Determine specific blocks of time each day that you are allowed onl ine and set a timer. When the timer goes off, reward yourself with something other than Internet time for sticking to your goal. Bibliography †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢

Saturday, September 14, 2019

HTTrack Essay

During this week I had the pleasure of using HTTrack. I found that HTTrack is a program that works like an offline browser and allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the internet. The downloaded site can be directed to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. I had HTTrack mirror the site www. certifiedhacker. com and it allowed me to browse the site from link to link, as if I were viewing it online. My local website compared to the actual website was very accurate. The links in the local website function just as well as the links in the actual website. The local websites structure is identical or very near identical to the actual website. As shown in the picture above HTTrack is transferring the data of the acutal site (www. certifiedhacker. com) to the mirrored site in my local directory. This tool can be used to allow an attacker to gather information about a target. When an attacker mirrors a site using HTTrack they will create an exact duplicate of the website which can be used to deceive the users of that website. For example, a hacker can mirror a site and use the mirrored sites login screen or applications to gather information about the website user. The user would enter sensitive data such as passwords, bank account numbers and credit cards, believing that the site is legitimate. All of this information is actually input onto the mirrored site and now the hackers have gathered information about their target.

Friday, September 13, 2019

What is the PARCC Test? Everything You Need to Know

Standardized testing has long been a hot-button topic, and with good reason. While proponents say these tests are crucial for measuring both student and teacher performance, critics argue that they take valuable time away from learning. In recent years, a great deal of the conversation has focused on the PARCC test, or Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. Whether you’re a student taking the PARCC for the first time, a teacher administering the exam, or a parent with school-age children, it pays to know what this process entails. Read on for everything you need to know about PARCC. PARCC refers to a collection of exams administered to public school students on a yearly basis. Developed by experts from multiple states, PARCC exams are designed to measure student progress while establishing Common Core standards for grades 3-11. Not only do states examine student performance by school, identifying problem areas, but schools assess individual student performance to determine where extra help may be required. The tests serve as replacements for older forms of standardized testing. However, that doesn’t mean the majority of educators are on board. As of 2018, only New Mexico, New Jersey, and the District of Columbia were still administering the full exam , while states like Colorado and Louisiana were incorporating just some PARCC questions into their own assessments. Administered at the end of the school year, the tests are designed to assess both problem solving and critical thinking. Their goal is to ensure students are prepared for college and their professional lives. Additionally, the PARCC test ensures students are learning based on the Common Core standards . Because students take the PARCC test on a computer, numerous accommodations are available for those with learning challenges and disabilities. The PARCC exams consist of two components: English/language arts and math. For the English/language arts portion of the exam, students read fiction and nonfiction passages, watch videos, and listen to audio recordings. Then they answer multiple choice questions and write responses based on what they learned. For the math component, students solve problems requiring multi-step solutions. Because the math questions involve real-life situations, students must utilize reasoning and logic rather than rote memorization and procedure. Additionally, the revised PARCC exams require students to show their work. So, teachers have an enhanced ability to evaluate and identify gaps in understanding and tailor instruction accordingly. PARCC scores are assigned based on performance levels. Students receive marks between Level 1 and Level 5 , with Levels 4 and 5 indicating that students are performing well. Scoring Level 3 means students need a little more help to meet expectations. A score of Level 1 or Level 2 suggests that students require significant intervention. Our Early Advising Program helps students in 9th and 10th grade discover their passions and build strong academic and extracurricular profiles to succeed in high school. Proponents of the PARCC system say that it offers numerous benefits for both students and administrators. One advantage of PARCC over other standardized tests is that it doesn’t just use multiple-choice questions that assess what a student has memorized. Instead, the tests require students to employ logic and reasoning to answer questions and justify their responses. In this way, the test is evaluating a student’s ability to think critically. Because PARCC focuses on applying skills rather than regurgitating information, some advocates argue that schools don’t have to â€Å"teach to the test† the way they do with other exams. Instead, educators can simply encourage students to think critically about all lessons. Of course, not everyone is a proponent of PARCC tests. In fact, many administrators argue that teachers do spend a great deal of time preparing students for the test—time that could be better spent on classroom instruction. Because many students have not encountered a standardized test like PARCC before, educators need to prepare them to answer the certain type and style of questions. And younger students in particular may need help learning to manage their time on a test like PARCC. Additionally, critics say that PARCC results in a great deal of stress for test takers. It’s no secret that many students suffer anxiety during testing. Because scoring at the lower levels on PARCC can have serious consequences, including being held back, students may feel even more worried about taking the exam. The strict testing environment, which limits student movement and behavior, can also be stressful for students. Finally, some PARCC critics believe that the test has an unfair impact on diverse and underprivileged students and their teachers. Because test scores tend to be lower in impoverished regions, critics fear that these results will be used to justify holding students back, firing teachers, and even closing underperforming schools. Have questions about PARCC or another form of standardized testing? At , we’re passionate about helping prepare students to get into the schools of their dreams. For more information on our services, call today or contact us for a free consultation.

Faculty Evaluation Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Faculty Evaluation Development - Essay Example Faculty evaluation usually involves assessment of the faculty members based on a set of performance indicators such as teaching, scholarly activity or creative endeavors, professional development and institutional/university involvement and community service. Such evaluations should use multiple sources including students, peers and the faculty members themselves (Paulsen, 2002). As the chairperson of the Faculty Evaluation Development committee of the University, I would like to co-opt the following members of the committee and for reasons detailed below. 1. All Academic Deans of the university who will be responsible for providing collated data obtained from students, peers, and faculty through the department heads/chairpersons. These data will be used to evaluate each faculty member. The deans will also be entrusted with the responsibility, at the end of the annual performance appraisal, of holding discussions with the faculty members under their jurisdiction to motivate and guide them to better their performance. The department heads/chairpersons, on the other hand, will hold private discussions with each of their faculty members on their assessment and also make discussion on assessment a regular part of departmental faculty meetings. 2. External expert/consultant. This person will be an important component of the committee to deal with the faculty concerns that are bound to be there to the evaluation system. Having an outside consultant as a conduit between faculty and the administration could help overcome faculty resistance to the evaluation process (Arreola, 2007). A consultant could also help to convert the ambivalent faculty. It would help if the consultant is someone preferably trained in educational psychology and of an affable and non-threatening demeanor. Â  

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Practice Theories and Micro-therories Coursework

Practice Theories and Micro-therories - Coursework Example 166). Thus, nursing theories made nursing care simpler and easy to understand through theoretical representation. From the author’s viewpoint, nursing theories serve as the strongest foundation of nursing which guide nursing actions and standards of practice. Without this, the author believes that nurses’ care would be unsystematic, of low quality, and not holistic. In line with this, the author will discuss types of nursing theories, particularly practice theories and micro-range theories. Furthermore, this paper will focus on micro-range theory of learned responses in managing multiple chronic diseases through Corbin and Strauss’s chronic illness trajectory model along with Bury’s concept of biographical disruption. This paper will also analyze the importance of nursing theory to the nursing profession and the relationship of nursing theory to nursing leadership, nursing education, and nursing informatics. Analysis of the Importance of Nursing theory to the Nursing Profession Nursing theories are essential to the nursing profession as they guides nursing practice and research (Houser, 2008, p. 174). Nursing theories are significantly related to nursing practice because theory is shaped by practice and practice evolved because of the development in theories. The development of nursing theories has also provided means to establish nursing as a profession. According to Meleis (2012), nursing theories provide nurses with the framework and goals for assessment, diagnosis, and intervention (p. 36). Each aspect of nursing care is grounded to nursing theories to enhance critical thinking and decision-making related to care and to effectively manage patient’s situations and conditions. Thus, nursing theories are important in the nursing process. Through theoretical perspective, nursing practice becomes more efficient, effective, and goal-directed (Meleis, 2012, p. 35). Since nursing theories serve as the blueprint of practice, extran eous areas or activities are minimized leading to conservation of time, energy, and talent of nurses in practice. In this case, nursing goals and nursing knowledge or theories are clearly articulated which may result in effective seeking and responding of patients and families to care being rendered by the nurse. It is not only in nursing practice that nursing theories are of great importance but to the research body as well. Nursing theories have the same degree of importance to nursing research as they guide nursing research by limiting what questions to ask and what methods to use in answering the research questions. Both the nursing theories and nursing research have cyclical relationship because the result of the research can be used to verify, modify, disprove, or support a theoretical proposition that can promote growth and enrichment of nursing theory as a scholarly discipline (Meleis, 2012, p. 35). Upon analysis of the importance of nursing theories, the author has learned two essential fields in relation to nursing theories: research and practice. For the purpose of this paper, the author will discuss in the next texts practice theories, micro-theories, and the key concepts and

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

English Tort Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 17000 words

English Tort Law - Essay Example The Lister case involves a warden who sexually abused children under his ward whilst he was serving as the supervising head of a boarding house for troubled children in the Wilsic Hall School in Doncaster. His duties included the imposing order in the boarding house, ensuring that children went to school and participated in evening activities, were in bed on time and supervising members of the staff. It was held that the warden’s acts of sexually abusing children were done within the course of his employment because they were closely connected with his official duties. Applying the aforementioned to Gracie’s case, it would seem that the activities by Gracie outside of her actual working hours and during break hours cannot be contemplated as work within the course of her employment at the Call Centre because the employer has no control on what she does during her breaks. Therefore, only Gracie can be made liable for the tort, which in this case is the battery. The tort of trespass of battery has three elements: force; direct application of that force, and; intent to directly apply that force to another. Any touching of another person’s body can amount to the battery if done without the consent of that other party unless the touching was done as a socially acceptable act like the usual jostling that goes on during sales or a hearty slap at the back commonly done by men to congratulate each other (Harpwood 2005 267). Intent does not necessarily refer to intent to harm but intent to apply direct force to another and neither is harm necessary to prove battery.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8

Global Warming - Essay Example This phenomenon acts to warm the Earth and is called the â€Å"greenhouse effect.† The addition of more carbon dioxide from man-made causes traps excess heat thereby increasing the Earth’s temperature. (Solomon, 2007) The excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is predominantly caused by fossil fuel consumption from coal burning electric power plants, factories and vehicles. The two long-term effects of a warming planet are a temperature increase of five to nine degrees Fahrenheit by the year 2100 in addition to an increase of sea levels by dozens of feet. This rise of temperature and sea level has already begun and would continue for decades even if air pollutions were somehow ended today. According to the World Meteorological Organization â€Å"2000-2009 was the hottest decade on record, with eight of the hottest 10 years having occurred since 2000.† (Jenkins, 2012). Simply experiencing hotter temperatures are not the most concerning aspect of climate change. The continued warming of the climate is accelerating the evaporation cycle resulting if more intense flooding and more widespread and longer lasting droughts. The warming of ocean waters causes them to expand and therefore sea levels to rise. Melting ice caps are adding to this dire problem. A rise in sea levels will cause huge numbers of people living in coastal regions to migrate elsewhere, an economic and health catastrophe. Much of the world’s financial centers are located on the coast. In the U.S. alone about 50 percent of the population live within 50 miles of a coastline. Melting land ice and the reduction of glaciers decrease stream and river flows, a concern for human, animal and plant water supplies. Precipitation patterns are changing which increase extreme weather events while tropical storms are intensifying. Changing weather patterns are affecting agriculture yields.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Mentoring, Americans with Disabilities Act, Flex-time, Workplace Assignment

Mentoring, Americans with Disabilities Act, Flex-time, Workplace Security, and Performance appraisal - Assignment Example The four phases are (Boreen, 2000): A mentoring relationship is based on numerous factors that relate to the success of the process as preferred by both the mentor and mentee. The basic relationship requirements include (Boreen, 2000): The process of mentoring provides significant influence in career development. In women and minority groups mentoring is regarded as a mandatory requirement. Women and minority are viewed as a weaker part of the human race. For this reason, they are exposed to limited career opportunities and resources. Through mentoring this gap is lessened as they are provided an opportunity to learn basic career requirements from experts. This also improves their succeeding probability. The ADA was created to respond to the plight of the disabled or otherwise challenged persons. The Act was signed in 2009 by President Bush. Main components in the Act focused on making work places comfortable for the disabled or other wise challenged persons. Additionally, public places and entities were also required to be observant of the Act (Schall, 1998). In the act the beneficiaries are described as people with physical disabilities. The act excluded the inclusion of people affected by drug or substance abuse and visually impaired people whose sight can be corrected by the use of an optical lens. The ADA has positively impacted the working environment as companies have become more sensitive in making working places comfortable to the disabled persons. To ensure compliance of the ADA, an employer should put in place systems and mechanisms that address the issues raised by the ADA. For instance, an organization should advice other employees against discriminating against disabled persons (Schall, 1998). Traditional work schedules were heavily demanding on employees as they had to work during many hours and the output displayed could not match the time taken to complete tasks. Working on full time or eight hour day daily on the